Winter Immunity Boosters: Nourishing Your Body with Real Foods for a Stronger Defence

As the temperature drops and the days become shorter, we find ourselves at the beginning of the winter season. And, with the season's arrival, it's more important than ever to strengthen our immune systems and protect ourselves from cold-related illnesses and ailments. Just like a well-oiled machine, our bodies require fuel to keep every intricate system running smoothly. When it comes to our immune system, the winter season demands an extra dose of nutrient power to stand strong against potential threats.

Our immune system relies on micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, to function optimally. These micronutrients aid in preventing and fighting off infections and facilitating the repair of any damage caused. Vitamins A, C, D, E, B2, B6, and B12, along with folate, iron, selenium, and zinc, form an elite squad of nutrients that our immune system relies on, each playing a vital role in boosting our winter immunity.

Fortunately, there are several whole foods rich in these vitamins and minerals. In this blog post, I’ll share how these specific micronutrients will affect your immune system this season and how you can ensure you are getting enough!


Vitamin A enhances our immune system in multiple ways. Firstly, it supports the health of our protective barriers, such as respiratory and gastrointestinal linings, preventing the entry of pathogens. Secondly, it aids in producing and activating immune cells, promoting a swift and effective response against invaders. And finally, it enhances antibody production and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which maintain immune balance and prevent tissue damage.

For dietary sources of vitamin A, liver stands out as one of the best options, however, it isn’t the only animal source. There are many excellent vitamin A sources that will give your body a healthy serving of retinoids, including: butter, cream, grass-fed ghee, cod liver oil, egg yolks, lamb or goose liver, liver sausage and goat’s cheese.


Vitamin C plays a vital role in boosting immune function by supporting various cellular mechanisms. For example, it promotes the production and operation of critical immune cells, such as neutrophils and lymphocytes, enabling them to combat infections more effectively. Vitamin C also stimulates antibody production, strengthening our immune system's ability to identify and neutralise pathogens. Additionally, it exhibits anti-inflammatory properties in times of illness, promoting a balanced immune response and minimising tissue damage.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are renowned for their vitamin C content. Other options include camu camu, kakadu plum, kiwi, strawberries, papaya, capsicum, and leafy greens.


Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," renowned for its ability to regulate innate and adaptive immune responses, enhancing our immune system's effectiveness in combating infections. In addition, it helps modulate the function of various immune cells, including T cells, B cells, and macrophages, which play critical roles in identifying and eliminating pathogens.

Furthermore, vitamin D supports the production of antimicrobial peptides, which are natural substances that help fend off invading microorganisms. By enhancing the production of these peptides, vitamin D strengthens our immune barriers and reduces the risk of infection. Vitamin D also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, helping to regulate the immune response and prevent excessive inflammation. This regulation is vital as it aids in maintaining a balanced immune system, preventing chronic inflammation that can compromise our overall health. Because sunlight is recognised as the primary source of this remarkable nutrient, it is harder to get during winter. Thankfully, whole foods like liver, salmon, mackerel, cod liver oil and sardines are also excellent sources.


B vitamins (B2, B6, B12, and folate) are immunity must-haves. These vitamins aid in producing and regulating white blood cells, empowering them to fight infections effectively. In addition, B vitamins also play a vital role in supporting the production and maintenance of our body's genetic material, including DNA and RNA. This process is crucial for synthesising proteins and adequately functioning immune cells, enabling them to carry out their immune surveillance and defence activities. Lastly, B vitamins play a role in energy production, providing the necessary fuel for immune cells to perform their tasks efficiently.  

Some of the richest food sources of B Vitamins include - organic liver + other organ meats, shellfish (clams, mussels, oysters), plus other kinds of seafood, like octopus, fish eggs, lobster and crab. Moderate sources include; grass-fed beef, lamb, cheese and eggs.


Iron is a crucial component of hemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout our body. Adequate iron levels are essential for optimal oxygen delivery to our immune cells, enabling them to function efficiently and mount a robust defence against pathogens. Iron is also involved in the activation and proliferation of immune cells. It plays a vital role in the maturation of T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells, enhancing their ability to recognise and eliminate harmful microorganisms. This ensures that our immune cells have the resources they need to carry out their vital functions. Additionally, iron supports the production of antibodies, which are vital in targeting and neutralising pathogens. By ensuring an adequate supply of iron, we empower our immune system and enhance our defence against infections.

Haem iron sources include; grass-fed red meats, turkey, liver, organ meats, sardines and shellfish (clams, mussels, oysters), while non-haem iron sources include; spinach, pumpkin seeds, blackstrap molasses and dark chocolate.


Zinc facilitates the maturation and activation of immune cells, such as T cells and natural killer cells, enhancing their ability to handle pathogens. Zinc also contributes to antibody production, improving our immune system's ability to recognise and fight infections. Additionally, zinc possesses anti-inflammatory properties, maintaining a balanced immune response and preventing excessive inflammation. It also supports the integrity of our skin and mucous membranes, acting as a barrier against pathogens and reducing the risk of infection.

While liver is recognised as one of the best sources of zinc, other dietary options include shellfish, such as oysters, mussels and crab, red meats, poultry and pumpkin seeds.


Selenium is a critical component of antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase, which protect our immune cells from oxidative damage and maintain their optimal functioning. It also regulates inflammation, promoting a balanced immune response and preventing excessive inflammation. Further, selenium contributes to the production and activation of immune cells, enhancing our ability to combat infections while also supporting antibody production and strengthening our defence against pathogens.

Organ meats, specifically the kidney is a reliable source of this micronutrient. Other whole food options include brazil nuts, seafood (oysters, tuna, sardines and prawns) and eggs.

When it comes to fortifying our immune system and nurturing our overall well being, the one crucial factor we can't overlook is micronutrients. Vitamins A, C, D, E, B2, B6, B12, folate, iron, selenium, and zinc play a vital role in enhancing our immune function. 

But how can we ensure we're getting enough of these micronutrients?

I've always believed that the key to optimal health lies in embracing natural, whole foods. However, not everyone feels enthusiastic about incorporating certain ingredients into their daily meals! Take liver, for instance. While it's a nutrient powerhouse, it may not appeal to everyone's taste buds. I totally get it! 

The good news is there are easy solutions! Supplements can be a game-changer. If eating liver isn't your thing, you could always supplement with Freeze-Dried Beef Liver Capsules instead. I take Cell Squared’s Organic Beef Liver Capsules as it’s an easy way to ensure you get all the micronutrients and benefits found in the liver. Cell Squared’s ACO Certified Organic Liver Powder is another winner - it has all the nutrient goodies you need with maximum flexibility - throw it into cooking. It’s great in curries, slow cooked lamb shanks + gravy, frittata, easy GF zucchini slice, savoury muffins, beef stew and more! 

These supplements are packed with a wealth of essential nutrients. They provide all the micronutrients and immune-strengthening benefits without the need to cook or consume liver directly. 

Give it a try this winter, and let me know how it goes!