Coconut Water Kefir

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1. Add the coconut water kefir starter culture and coconut water to a clean glass jar. 
2. Close the lid and allow this to ferment for 3 days, or until fizzy. 

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Q & A

Q: My kefir isn't fizzy after 3 days, have I done something wrong? 

A: No, I always find that the very first batch takes the longest as it's re-activating + the kefir can take a little longer to ferment if the weather is cooler or if it's winter. So you can leave it for a few more days and keep tasting it every day to see when it's ready. OR I like to separate the coconut water kefir into 2x separate clean glass jars and top it up with fresh coconut water. I find that the addition of the naturally occurring sugars in the coconut water kick start the fermentation process and it's usually ready within 1-2 days time after doing that. 

Q: How do I make a second and third batch of coconut water kefir? 

A: Make sure you always save 1 cup of the original coconut water kefir to use as your starter for your next batch. 

Q: How much does 1 coconut water kefir starter make? 

A: It will make 10L of coconut water kefir. You can make them in 1L or 2L batches. 

Q: Why do you need to get another starter culture after 10L? I was hoping I could brew it like Kombucha

A: The Kultured Wellness cultures are a therapeutic food. So 1 cup of the coconut yoghurt = 1 bottle of probiotics. The Kefir has slightly less probiotics, but it's still powerful. The more you ferment it, the less potent the probiotics become. So if you want to really nourish and nurture your gut bugs, it's best to buy a new starter culture and make a fresh batch to keep up the high potency of probiotics. 

Q: If I've never had it before, how much should I start with? 

A: I recommend adults start with 1/4 cup and children 1/2 - 1 Tbsp and slowly build up your tolerance to the high amount of probiotics you get with each cup. 

Q: How can I use the coconut water kefir in recipes?

A: You can drink it plain or with some fresh lemon or lime juice in it. You can use it to ferment juices, vegetables, fruits, ice-creams and more. 

Q: My kefir has some floaty bits, is it still okay? 

A: Yes, that can be a sign that it has a high probiotic activity. If it's has a pink tinge or if it's clearly mouldy, please don't consume. 

Q: How long will my kefir last for? 

A: It will last for 6 months in the fridge or freezer. 

Q: I'm on a ketogenic, low-carb, paleo, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, casein-free, anti-inflammatory, low FODMAP, GAPS diet. Are these cultures right for me? 

A: Yes, they're absolutely suitable for any of those diets. They are also D‐Lactate free to benefit people with issues such as MTHFR, liver & detox problems, allergies, eczema and psoriasis, establishing the gut wall and protecting against leaky gut. It can also assist in rebuilding after antibiotic use and diarrhoea, combatting candida and crowding out viruses, weight management and obesity and inflammation. 

Q: I have issues with histamines, can I consume these cultures? 

A: Yes you can. This culture is actually very beneficial for people who are sensitive to traditional fermented foods and for those who suffer from conditions such as histamine intolerance, SIBO, high inflammation, autoimmune conditions, food sensitivities, autism, ADHD and PANDAS. 

Q: How much probiotics are in the kefir? 

A: The kefir contains 27 billion CFU per cup. It's a therapeutic, probiotic food.