Cultured Mango Sorbet Ice-Blocks

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I have to admit mangoes are probably my all time favourite fruit, I love their heavenly smell, mouth watering flavour and of course they bring back so many memories of summer fun! However since I've been on a Therapeutic Gut Healing Protocol for the past 2ish years I haven't been able devour (i mean eat) them because of their high sugar content. It's not just fresh mangoes I've had to eliminate from my diet. I've also had to avoid ALL forms of sugar including; all fruits, grains, honey, maple syrup, dates and other dried fruit, starchy veggies such as sweet potato, pumpkin and beetroot unless fermented. You're probably wondering why I can only have them fermented. Well when you ferment fruits, coconut or higher sugar and starchy veggies such as carrots and beetroots, the beneficial bacteria in the culture starter eats away all the sugar in them, this makes it incredibly easy on the digestive system. As an extra bonus, the fermentation process further fuels the health of the gut, fights chronic inflammation, boosts the immune system, helps to control bad bacteria in the body and makes the nutrients more bio-available. It’s winning all round! If you want to learn more about fermenting fruits and vegetables read my blog 'Why I Consume Coconut Kefir Daily' and 'Improve Your Gut Health Through Fermented Food // Plus 4 Easy Recipes to Get You Started'


  • 1- 1 1/2 cups coconut water kefir

  • 3 cups of ripe mango flesh (roughly 4 medium sized mangoes)

  • Stevia or preferred sweetener to taste


1. Add the mango and the coconut water kefir to a clean glass jar. Close the lid and place it onto a shelf in your pantry. Allow this to ferment/ culture for 24-36 hours. 
2. When the mango has cultured and is ready, add the cultured mango and it's liquid + the mineral liquid supplement + your sweetener to taste to a blender and blitz for 20-30 seconds, or until combined. 
3. Pour the mixture into your ice-block moulds and freeze. (If there is any leftover mango liquid, store it in a glass jar in the fridge. When you have eaten all the ice-blocks, add the remaining mango liquid that was stored in the fridge into the ice-block moulds and freeze). 
4. When you're ready to eat them, run the moulds under hot water for a few seconds to remove them easily. 
5. Enjoy and savour every mouthful of these delicious, tangy, probiotic packed ice-blocks!