Cultured Rainbow Veggies

Cultured veggies are a huge part of my life! I have them with every (savoury) meal I eat, they're zing-y little flavour bombs and contain all sorts of health benefits. Ranging from boosting immunity, aiding digestion, increasing micronutrients including B Vitamins, adds beneficial microbes (good bacteria) to the gut, eliminates anti-nutrients and much more! This recipe is so easy and quick to make (although can get a little messy!). 


  • 1/2 a small - medium cabbage (red or green)

  • 2-3 orange carrots

  • 3-4 beetroots

  • 1 red onion, finely diced

  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 2-3 tsp salt

  • 1 knob of ginger

  • 1 knob of turmeric

  • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 cup coconut water kefir

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper (optional)

  • 1-2 chilli's, chopped (optional)

  • 1-2 spring onions, chopped (optional)

  • Filtered water


1. Shred the cabbage and add it to a large bowl. Sprinkle the salt over the top and use your hands, or a spoon to mix the salt through. 
2. Set the cabbage aside and allow the salt to draw the water out from the cabbage.
3. Meanwhile, grate the turmeric, ginger, carrots and beetroot and add them to another bowl. 
4. Slice the onions finely and add them to the carrot/ beet mixture. 
5. Now add the apple cider vinegar or fire tonic, garlic, pepper, spring onions and chili (if adding them in) to the carrot/ beet mixture and combine evenly. 
6. Check the cabbage mixture, use your hands to massage the cabbage for a few minutes. 
7. Now mix all the veggies together. 
8. Add the veggies to a large, clean glass jar and pack it down using your hands. 
9. Add the coconut water kefir into the jar. Add enough filtered water to cover the veggies. 
10. Finally use a weight to weigh the veggies down, or the outer leaf of the cabbage. Make sure you leave a 3-4cm gap to allow for expansion as the veggies ferment. 
11. Place it on a shelf in your pantry and ferment until it’s tangy and fizzy. This could take anywhere from 3-4 days, or even up to 10 days if the weather is cooler, so just leave it on the bench top until it’s ready.
12. When it's ready, place it in the fridge.